Everything is sounds, organized sounds are music, and everything in between is noise.

My piece is a minute-thirty seconds.

It is mostly noise, with a pulsing submerged percussion keeping it from falling apart violently. 

It was created all by ear on a Korg Monotron Delay, a $40 analog synth about the size of a pack of cigarettes. By the nature of my process and the nature of analog synthesizers, I could not recreate it if I tried. 

Noise allows a wide variety of chaos in its sounds, and is neither limited by nor exluded from the intelligent structures that music theory can provide. John Cage's attitude about music and sound understands the restricting and freeing aspects of music theory and knows that these rules, while empowering, also inherently contain and organize. 
To avoid this, however, a drone can be used. Drone makes every pattern of music into one single, possibly pulsing noise, to which any amount of mutation can occur. The drone frees noise from music, while allowing it to mainain a consistency that keep pattern-hungry ears from wincing--only when you want them to. 

Noise is music without music to hold it back, either by incorporating sounds from outside music, or removing musical structure from it. Noise is untamed music and it can be made to contain everything.

Everything is music if listened, recorded, or created with passion. Sometimes it's a delicate thing that uses patience to convince, other times violence is used. Both are okay. 

Soundscape link - SHREAD
