No. 3 - Project Introduction / An Acknowledgment of My Empty Fragmented Ideas (But That Could Be My Point)

 I do not know exactly what I want to do for my project yet, but I think this will help me as I want it to evolve greatly over the course of the term. However it ends up, I want the process to be the essential focus, with it somewhat paralleling the 'successive phases of the image' that Baudrillard describes as the process for which hyperrealism is birthed. 

Here are a few fragments of ideas that I would see finding their way, however they do, into my project:

- Found footage 

- Genre covers (genres require certain things to be considered of that genre, but there's an invisible line you need to cross that I'd prove is imaginary)

- Sound art

- Fake history reports / current event articles 

- Foley art 

- Create images / video with as much HOLY POWER as possible while remaining dreadfully hollow

I do not know what my final outcome will be, but in anticipating changing course many times, I want these idea changes to inform each other and feed into itself as the precession of simulacra is itself described by Baudrillard. Considering that it is the process of the image into simulacrum that is the important part, the true origin of the content  may not matter as much as the evolution and changes made upon it would be - the origin of the project will no longer be relevant to the end result; a true representation of simulacrum in that it no longer becomes a representation. 

I hate Jeff Koons but his existence is an important one. He is no longer an artist but rather a smooth-talker who says the same thing to your face over and over: This represents worthless idolatries, you are all idiots, give me $10,000,000. The art world that is obsessed with Koons is stuck in a rut and the amount of conceptual art feedback is creating a simulacrum of art that is all about simulacrum, but in itself is feeding into itself the same words over and over - it is twisting the simulacrumX3 in on itself so much that the money spewing out of it is allowing the scheming sharks like Jeff Koons to keep smooth-talking the artworld into giving him more money. He is as hollow as his bunnies and the more we hear "but that's the point" the madder I will get. 

ANYWAY, I anticipate to provide more updates on my project(s) and hopefully create a clearer idea of what I am doing. I expect to play with some old found footage and hopefully soon maybe get my hands on an old video camcorder and use it as unintended (I appreciate a cheap approach to things, I feel like distortion--if used beyond just as aesthetic--can create realities (artifacts...) which would only exist with a broken and unattached approach; to only rely on bootleg recordings of your work is a viciously fun idea). 

Kitsch Jesus is made more powerful by the hate from Christians who hate him because they know he is more Jesus than any Jesus they can provide

I acknowledge this post is as fragmented as can be, but my process includes a lot of me not knowing what I am doing before I realize what I have done, so I hope my updates will become clearer as my ideas do. 
