No. 10 - (58-75) simulate it before it can actually happen!

 The code of the state of policing by national law and the nuclear arm's race is a deterrence tactic by preceding every possible real event with a simulated functional double that puts all control of its appearance (for that is all that matters for it) within the state. Laws as punishment function in a similar way, providing a simulated consequence for an action that neither is wholly true consequence (it is made up), nor completely false (for the law is still is enacted). This puts it in a sort of hyperreality. On a total scale of deterrence, the nuclear arms race puts every power that acquires some in a immediate state of deterrence. In all powers holding nuclear arms, they ensure their mutual destruction if used (totality reached) so this would not happen even by the manufacturer's predictions. In addition, holding these weapons causes that all forms of conflict become simulated conflicts enacted upon simulated old situations and stakes in a attempt to deter and control any possible real events/consequences.

 My project has no solid image but I know my process from hereonout! I have many sounds that I have messed with that I want to use (manipulating oldies songs and some sound samples I've collected over years), and some imagery I've worked with on PS to seem as dreamlike/hollow as possible, as well as a old kid's digital camera that produces the worst digital photos I've ever seen so that makes me very happy. I like the potential of terrible digital cameras. '

These military ads are surprisingly honest about their hyperreality
