No. 11 - Stucco the Earth / McMansions / Implementation of My Inability to Pick
To think about concrete in a completely utilitarian sense seems to allow it to dissolve into the backdrop of reality of its own creating. Concrete and stucco [more-so] are a symbol of industrial conquest, a material which when solidified is intended to become part of the landscape its in (or creates). You do not think of concrete objects which aren't bolted to the foundation, or stand as unmovable/unremovable. Concrete is our own version of God's clay and we've even started to imitate it on top of that!
We have dug up the earth and liquified it by our own accord and poured it back over the earth like stucco on a McMansion. Speaking of McMansions, I love driving through the neighborhoods that are lined up like display products on a shelf (which they are), with forms frankensteined from so many high-class associated design elements, stuck together and broken so they can fit, completely ignoring the design elements' intended function (columns that support nothing, windows of all kinds and in any place, dominos board-like layout that confuses, etc. etc. etc.). Every element is totally displaced from its original reality, stitched together and, on top of all pointlessness, materially faked (stucco this, stucco that, stucco driveway, who the hell cares)!
(this person also has created a '10 circles of mcmansion hell' order of stages)
Current project status: As fractured as it was always gonna stay, but I'm making that my point now. Why would a project's fracturedness and lack of homogeny be its denial of 'piece-ness'? I have a notebook with seven pages of scraps of ideas, jot-downs, notes for myself, reminders, unrelated things, a couple drawings, and a layout of zero intention but initial decision. As a few white sheets of paper with notes, presented as arbitrarily as possible but for the fact that it is notetaking, it is a collection of works and concepts that map out my time reading Simulations and getting slightly more derealized than I was already. I have scraps of videos, videos turned montage, collections of photos, and photos that I think need to be presented as well. Whatever is the longest video will most likely be considered by a viewer the 'main piece' and all others to be 'companion pieces', but it's all one. There is no disconnection between them yet there is connection within them, in that they were created within the same mental/metaphysical vacuum of Baudrillard and the immediate drive to make something and shelving it.
I am proud of every scrap I've made, especially the ones I forgot about.
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